Otto Schreier


Otto Schreier was a member of Bury St Edmunds Friendly Orchestra from its ever first rehearsal (see photo below). He was an enthusiastic member, always arriving early to put out the chairs, despite by then getting on in years. He played a viola sonata with the BFO at one of our early concerts.

In 2010 he left the BFO, finding that his eyesight was deteriorating and that the journey from Long Melford was too difficult. He was made an honorary member.

He remained a great supporter of the orchestra and made several donations to our funds over the last few years. He enabled the BFO to perform our first concert at the Apex back in 2013, by underwriting the costs, and after the concert the orchestra made him a small presentation to thank him for his support and generosity.

Otto was also a founder member and, for some time, the leader of the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra. For many years he played in the orchestra run by the West Suffolk College, initially as a 2ndviolin, and then he took up the viola, where he was quite often the only member of the section.

Otto died in October 2016 after a short illness (pneumonia).

Otto at our first ever rehearsal:

Otto’s podium

In 2018 the committee decided to purchase a podium for the BFO, as a lasting legacy gift, from the generous donation that Otto Schreier bequeathed to us. A plaque in his memory was fixed to the podium for that year’s Apex concert. 

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Copyright © 2024 Bury Friendly Orchestra